5 Tips to Stay Balanced During Spring


We made it! The days only get longer from here. It’s a whole different world out there and it truly feels like waking up from a deep long winter sleep. We witness this beautiful change not only in the nature but we can feel our own bodies beginning to blossom inside and out. Our inner sensations are being reawakened, aliveness returns to our cells and fresh inspiration arrives.

Spring is the season of year when things begin to melt, thaw, liquefy and soften (think water element). Now is time to let go of any heaviness and stagnancy that has accumulated in our bodies and minds over the long period of winter. So when we think about spring practices, routines and foods, the key words are light, fresh, easy, dry, invigorating, energizing and dynamic.

The spring practices and tips below will help you take care of the built up stagnant energy and toxins to avoid lethargy and tiredness so you can show up with a healthy glow.

1. Spring daily routine

Start by waking up a little earlier as the mornings get lighter. Then scrape your tongue to get rid of any built up toxins, brush your teeth and have a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon and an optional piece of grated ginger to clear out any congestion and activate digestion.

If you’re a breakfast type of a person you might notice your appetite being a little lower in the morning and a lighter breakfast might feel nicer. Make lunch your main meal of the day but avoid over-eating and if possible take a brisk walk after lunch to aid digestion. Your dinner will ideally be something light, warming and freshly prepared. Simplicity is key for your evening meal.

Before bed take some quiet time to slow down, choosing a peaceful activity to help you unwind. Maybe you like to read a book, listen to relaxing music, journal, meditate or do gentle stretching. Aim for bedtime around 10pm.

2. Spring foods

When it comes to food, opt for lighter meals and ingredients that help cleanse the liver and clear congestion in the lungs. It is best to avoid heavy, overly oily and sweet foods that clog the system when your body is trying to melt away toxins. The intention for a balanced spring food practice is light, fresh and easy to digest.

Veggies: kale, spinach, arugula, dandelion leaves, cilantro, parsley, chard, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beets, spring onions, sprouts, green beans, fennel, leeks, radishes and celery
Fruits: apples, apricots, berries, pears, dried fruit, pomegranates, lemons and limes
Legumes: black beans, chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, pinto beans, split peas and soy beans
Grains: amaranth, barley, buckwheat, basmati rice, corn, millet, oats and quinoa
Herbs and spices: anise, basil, black pepper, cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, fennel, ginger, garlic, mustard seeds, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, parsley, thyme, sage and turmeric
Nuts and seeds: almonds, coconut, hemps seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds
Oils: flax, sesame and olive
Teas: dandelion, ginger, lemon, nettle and echinacea

3. Spring movement

Spring movement routine is all about getting up and moving to get your blood flowing. Spend time outside as much as you can. Go for a long walk, or run, breathing in the crisp air. Notice the smell of spring - fresh grass mixed with the earthiness of thawing soil, sweetness of the crocuses and cherry blossoms.

Your body naturally wants to move more vigorously to get the energy going and support the flushing out of toxins. Don’t resist the urge to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. If you practice Yoga, add twists to your routine to rinse out the inner organs. Another great way to increase the dynamic and light qualities in your body is to practice Sun Salutations. Do them repeatedly, with enthusiasm and commitment.

Your movement routine will help your digestion, circulation, immunity, lymph flow and detoxification.

4. Spring self-care

The season of spring evokes all of our senses but taste and smell in particular. Next time you go for a walk breathe a little deeper and fill your body with the sweet, fresh scent of blossoming trees and flowers. Notice the beauty around you and this simple practice will help you awaken your own beauty, radiant health and grace.

Your face and skin is ready for some exfoliation and refreshment. Here’s a little recipe for an aromatic and nutrient rich DIY Spring Face Cleanser to keep your skin supple, soft and dewy.

Spring face cleanser recipe

Dry ingredients: 1 cup white basmati rice ground into a fine powder, 1/4 cup dried ground rose or lavender petals, 1 tsp dried green tea, finely crushed (green teen acts as an astringent tonic). Mix the dry ingredients together and store in a jar.

Wet ingredients: 1/4 tsp apricot kernel oil + 1/4 tsp fresh organic yoghurt

How to: Take a tbsp of your dry mixture and add to apricot kernel oil and yoghurt. Mix into a paste and gently massage over your entire neck and face. Wash off with warm water and gently pat dry your skin with a towel.

When choosing your spring essential oils, reach for ginger, eucalyptus, bergamot, sweet orange, sage, rose, basil, sandalwood, juniper, lemongrass, lemon or lavender . These will help you inspire your soul, vitalize your mind and detoxify your body.


5. Spring mindfulness

The overall theme in spring is letting go. It’s time to release thoughts, habits, beliefs and relationships that don’t serve you any longer. Spring is all about starting fresh!

If you like, you can create your spring sacred space (altar) with flowers, bright joyful objects, poetry that inspires you, colorful collages or paintings and of course some candles. Your altar will serve as a space to spark new ideas, feelings of joy and motivation (please note that you altar could also simply be a small space on the shelf, top of a cabinet or dresser, window sill etc.).

Journal prompts

Grab your journal and use the prompts below to help you release from the inside out.

What does the spring season represent to you?
What qualities are being awakened within you?
What are you letting go of?
What do you love about this time of year?
Where do you want to put your energy towards?
What three things can you do for yourself this spring to stay balanced physically, mentally and emotionally?
What intentions are you setting up for the months to come?


Every season has it’s own charm and also brings forth different qualities. The tips above come from Ayurveda (sister of Yoga), an ancient science about living a life in harmony with nature. As the seasons change so do our bodies. Ayurveda helps us understand this beautiful connection and provides tools to create healthy balance from within.

Choose one or several tips and practices and see if you can integrate them into your daily routine to help you ease into the new season, feel awakened and energized and shine a little brighter.


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