How to Align your Lifestyle with your Menstrual Cycle


You have probably noticed that there are days when you naturally feel super energized and outgoing and other days you’re more introverted. There are times when your appetite is kinda low and other times you can’t stop yourself from eating. One week you’re crushing your goals at the gym and the week after your body’s asking for a slow yoga flow.

Work with your body not against it

These shifts are completely normal due to the ever changing nature of your hormone levels. But what do most of us tend to do? Ignore the shifts and follow the same routine day in and day out. Thinking that we need to be on top of our game, feel super productive, come up with new ideas, feel confident and creative at all times…because that equals strength and health. Sound familiar?

Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As a woman you’re a cyclical being - beautifully dynamic, always evolving, flexible, going with the flow. Your hormones are shifting and your needs shift with them all month long. Instead of ignoring these natural changes you can choose to honour them and work with your body, not against it.

What is cycle syncing?

The idea of cycle syncing is founded on the cyclical ever changing nature of your hormones. Cycle syncing is a practice of tuning into the hormonal fluctuations and aligning your daily eating habits, workout routine, social engagements, work calendar and overall lifestyle with these shifts. When we talk about your menstrual cycle, we recognize 4 phases that you go through every month.

Where do I start?

Begin by tracking your menstrual cycle by either noting it in your calendar/journal/phone or using one of many free cycle tracking apps. I personally use an app called Flo but you can choose one that works for you. Start by marking down the start of your last period - this will be day 1 of your cycle.

Use the information below to find out which phase you’re currently in and how to support your body’s needs. Choose one area you want to focus on. Maybe this month you decide to be more mindful when it comes to your exercise routine or to pay more attention to the foods you eat during each phase.

Taking baby steps will help you not get overwhelmed. They key is not to master cycle syncing in one month but to show up for yourself from a place of love and connection a little more every day. And please remember that each body is unique so the length of the overall cycle as well as the length of each phase may vary.

Now let’s break down the 4 phases so you can learn how your needs change throughout them and how to best nourish your body, mind & soul to optimize your glow and tap into your full potential.


Menstrual phase (days 1 - 5)

What’s happening in your body: shedding of your uterine lining aka your period/bleeding. Your estrogen peaks and then drops, preparing for another ovulation. You may feel a sense of relaxation and relief as your estrogen peak passes.

Your energy: introspective, intuitive, calm, quiet

Lifestyle focus: there is 25% more activity between the right and left hemispheres of your brain which results in greater intuition and self-analysis. Use this as an opportunity to reflect back on the past month, evaluate and adjust your course if needed. Listen to the subtle messages of your body, notice reoccurring thoughts, patterns or fears. Journaling will help you access deeper insight into your instincts. What doesn’t serve you any longer? Let it go!

Food focus: bleeding is an intense process and your body needs to work hard so focus on foods that add nutrients. Reach for foods high in iron and zinc to help replenish the minerals lost during menstruation - seafood and sea-based veggies are great for that. Your body will also appreciate foods deeply restorative to the blood and kidneys. Soups and rich broths are perfect for this phase.

Add these to your shopping list - beetroot, kale, kelp, mushrooms, dark berries, watermelon, kidney beans, seafood, miso

Exercise focus: rest and recovery are an important part of your workout routine and now is the time to allow yourself to slow down. You might want do some gentle stretching, yin, restorative yoga or go for a nature walk. And if you don’t feel like doing anything, honour that and rest some more.

*note: your period can last anywhere between 3 - 7 days


Follicular phase (days 6 - 13)

What’s happening in your body: your ovaries are getting ready to release another egg. Several egg follicles start to swell in preparation. Estrogen increases to thicken your uterine lining so that it can host an egg. Your estrogen and testosterone hormones are peaking.

Your energy: on the rise, awakened, fresh, focused, creative

Lifestyle focus: it’s time for new beginnings. Start a new project at work and/or at home. Your brain is wired for creativity which makes it easier to problem solve - save your most challenging tasks for this week. You’re most likely feeling outgoing, upbeat and revitalized. Use this energy to say yes to social invites. This is also a great time to try something new and step out of your comfort zone.

Food focus: with your metabolism being a little slower during this phase, focus on fresh, vibrant and lighter foods that will make you feel more energized. Think salads, plenty of veggies, lean protein, sprouted beans, seeds and whole grains. Opt for light cooking methods such a steaming and sautéing. You also want to add some avocados to your plate as they are known to improve the follicular-ovulatory transition and promote cervical mucus production.

Add these to your shopping list - citruses, broccoli, carrots, green peas, zucchini, Brazil nuts and cashews, nut butters and fermented foods

Exercise focus: putting yourself in a new situation feels like an easy, natural thing at this time of month so why not try a new workout. You’ll have the energy to go for more challenging and cardio activities - running, cycling/spinning or hiking will feel amazing in your body. Just remember to avoid going from 0 to 100 right after your menstruation.


Ovulation phase (days 14 - 17)

What’s happening in your body: ovulation is the main event of your cycle. The egg is being released into one of the Fallopian tubes and then travels to the uterus. Estrogen levels continue to increase to further thicken the uterine lining. Your vaginal discharge increases and is clear, wet and stretchy.

Your energy: fiery, feminine, confident, outgoing, bold

Lifestyle focus: your energy levels are at their highest so use it to get stuff done. Connecting with others and communication are at the heart of this phase. You’re able to convey your thoughts and opinions more clearly and effectively which makes it a great time to schedule interviews, meetings, dates or important conversations. Since you’re most fertile in this phase you are most likely feeling naturally sexy and magnetic.

Food focus: your metabolism is still on the slower side and you have plenty of natural energy so go easier on the carbs and stick with lighter grains like quinoa. You’ll also want to make sure that your body is eliminating the excess estrogen so focus on veggies and fruits with lots of fibre to support your liver. The foods in this phase are all about promoting antioxidative well-being for your ovaries so you can create the healthiest egg possible.

Add these to your shopping list - asparagus, red peppers, chard, spinach, tomatoes, apricots, berries, red lentils and almonds.

Exercise focus: your energy hits the peak level and you’re on fire. This is a great time push yourself a little harder, even break some personal records. Anything cardio, high intensity and challenging will feel great in your body. Go for that HIIT training, try boxing, sign up for a bootcamp class, run and enjoy the extra burn.

*note: ovulation occurs about midway through your cycle


Luteal phase (days 18 - 28)

What’s happening in your body: if the egg hasn’t been fertilized towards the end of your cycle, the follicle from which the egg bursts, is reabsorbed into the body. Progesterone production will soon pause, triggering your next period. Your hormones take a big drop and can cause the feelings of the month well known as PMS symptoms.

Your energy: self-focused, emotional, detail-oriented, softer

Lifestyle focus: your body begins to slow down and you are naturally feeling the pull to turn inward. Your desire to nest makes this a great time to take care of chores, organizing your household, doing a big grocery shop or meal prepping for your menstrual phase. Your brain begins to prioritize administrative and detail-driven tasks so you might naturally feel the urge to clean, create lists or pay the bills. Comfort and self-care are key in this phase.

Food focus: foods rich in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and fibre to help you keep the sugar cravings at bay, ensure that you’re not retaining extra fluids and support the elimination of excess estrogen. Try adding complex carbs and naturally sweet foods like root veggies to your meals to stabilize serotonin and dopamine levels and prevent mood swings. Your body will love nourishing, comforting and warm meals like curries, soups and stews.

Add these to your shopping list - brown rice, cauliflower, leafy greens, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, pears, peaches, legumes and walnuts.

Exercise focus: during the first half of the phase you might still feel quite energized so focus on activities like strength training. Then lower the intensity during the days leading up to your period. You can choose Pilates, Barre, vinyasa yoga or walking. The key is not to push yourself so you don’t create extra stress on your body.

As you can see, the practice of cycle syncing follows the natural ebb and flow of your hormones that changes on, roughly, a weekly basis. The length of each phase may vary slightly for you as your body is unique. Following the practice of cycle syncing allows you to tap into your full potential, utilizing the needs and strengths that come with each phase.

No phase is better or worse than the other. Each of them brings out beautiful qualities and the practice of cycle syncing teaches you how to fully utilize them to achieve an optimal state for your body, mind and soul.

Please remember that cycle syncing is not a diet or a specific plan to help you lose weight or get into shape. It’s a practice of connecting to your own natural rhythms and deepening the relationship with yourself.


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