Spring Clean Your Home To Boost Your Health & Energy


Your home is not only a physical space where you wake up each morning and store your stuff. Your home is the environment that surrounds you throughout the day. The health and energy of your home directly impacts the health of your whole self. Yes, including your hormones.

Just as you fill your body with delicious, healthy foods to achieve optimal health, it’s important to create a home that is clean, feels safe and relaxing. Because a clean and comfortable living environment can actually reduce stress.

Spring time is the perfect opportunity to spruce up your place. We naturally feel the tendency to clean, scrub, wash and organize to help clear any stagnant energy that may have accumulated in your house over the winter months.

7 Easy ways to organize & spruce up your home

1.Fill your place with plants

Indoor plants are a great way to purify air, boost mood, improve health and sharpen focus. There are plenty of houseplants that don’t require too much attention, including garden mums, peace lilies, ZZ plants, snake plants and African violets. Can’t buy more plants? How about some fresh flowers on your kitchen table or at your work desk. A bouquet of colourful tulips will instantly elevate the overall feel in your house.

2.Enhance the vibe of your place with essential oils

Here are 4 scents to bring fresh new energy into your living space:

Pink grapefruit - refreshing and uplifting to cultivate a positive atmosphere and mindset.
Wild lavender - calming and cleansing to balance the emotional body and soothe stress.
Palo santo - to relieve feelings of anxiety and support a more calm + connected state of being.
White sage - stimulates and supports clarity in mind and spirit while calming the nervous system.

3.Use natural cleaning products

Conventional cleaning products contain harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals. Using these products several times a week and living with their residue around your home can cause hormonal health issues that negatively impact your periods, fertility, mood and more. When choosing “cleaner” products, don’t just fall for cute natural icons. Dig a little deeper to find out what's actually inside - and what you're really breathing in.

4.Create a cozy sleep space

Getting enough good quality sleep is vitally important to your health and health of your hormones. Make your bedroom your sacred oasis where you can unwind at the end of a long day. Invest in sheets and blankets that you love and make you feel warm and safe. Consider adding a difuser to your room with your favourite relaxing essential oils such as lavender. In the morning, take time to air out the room and to make your bed.

5.Organize your pantry

By keeping your kitchen and pantry in order, you’ll be more inspired to cook at home and actually enjoy spending time in your kitchen. Cooking can be fun, creative and very relaxing. If you cook at home, you are also more likely to prepare more nutritious meals than if you eat out. A fun way to organize your pantry is with mason jars (or other clear containers). Make sure you can easily see and reach all the foods so you don’t end up buying something you already have.

6.Play with home decor

Colours, textures, materials, prints and shapes we use are all a reflection of our personal style. Do you know what your’s is? Are you a free spirited boho junkie, clean minimalist or sleek and elegant? Do you prefer rustic materials and earthy tones or Scandinavian simplicity? Home decor can be fun and really creative once you determine what you like (and don’t).

Use Pinterest for an unlimited source of inspiration and create your dream decor board that you can easily refer to. Start by simply adding a throw, cushion or an area rug in your favourite style to refresh your space.

7.Clean and declutter your living space

When decluttering, you don’t have to go full Marie Kondo or become a minimalist over night. Simply take note of all the things that surround you and be honest with yourself about the stuff you don’t like/need or not using anymore. If storage space is an issue to keep things out of sight and tidy, different wicker baskets can offer a great stylish solution. Removing clutter will help you create the mental space to focus on your passions instead of feeling restless and all over the place.

Ultimately, your home environment is a reflection of your goals, priorities, interests and your personality. Enjoy creating and maintaining a nourishing space that brings you greater health and happiness!


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