5 Tips To Stay Balanced During Summer


Long days, bare feet, farmer’s markets, BBQ nights, tan lines, hands up in the air falling in love with life again and again. Can you feel it too? Summer time!

Summer is also the season of the fire element (not only in the nature but within your body too) which can easily get out of control. If the fire gets too hot, we can experience inflammation, burning desire to do everything at once, need to control, and even feelings of anger or jealousy.

So in order to balance out the firey energy, we need to shift our focus to practices and foods that are naturally cooling, light, simple and hydrating. The tips and practices below will help you stay balanced even during the hottest summer days so you can feel healthy and glowing inside and out.


5 tips to stay balanced while enjoying the summer

1. Summer morning routine - begin to wake up a little earlier. Open your curtains to let the morning light in and stretch your body. As always, give yourself enough time so you don’t feel rushed or stressed out. Scrape your tongue and brush your teeth, then have a big glass of water with lime and/or some fresh mint - this will cool the body and mind and get you ready for the day ahead.

Your breakfast in the summer can be something light and sweet - fresh fruit salad, tofu scramble with avocado and cucumber, non dairy yoghurt or a smoothie.

2. Summer foods - cool (doesn’t mean icy cold), light and easy to digest is the key. The tastes to focus on are bitter, sweet and astringent. Try to avoid hot, oily and spicy foods as they increase heat in the body.

Summer fruits: limes and lemons, papaya, peaches, apricots, mangoes, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, berries, oranges, avocados and dates.
Summer veggies: bok choy, peas, broccoli, parsley, sprouted seeds and greens, asparagus, green beans, arugula, celery, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumber, lettuce, pea shoots and summer squash.
Summer herbs and spices: dill, parsley, cilantro, fennel, coriander seeds, ginger, saffron, cardamom, mint and cumin.
Summer grains: barley, bulgur, rice, couscous, spelt, wheat and rice pasta, tapioca and wheat.
Summer legumes: adzuki beans, split peas, black eyed peas, pinto beans, chickpeas, soy beans, green and black lentils and split mung beans.
Summer oils: coconut, avocado, olive and sunflower.

Easy and fun way to stay hydrated and cool? Adding slices of lemon/orange/lime/cucumber to your water.

Looking for a refreshing summery lunch or dinner idea? Can’t go wrong my Strawberry Kale Salad or Fresh Summer Salad.

3. Summer movement - in the brightness and heat of summer, focus on cooling down, relaxing and calming practices. I know you probably naturally find yourself with more energy however, see if you can move your body in an effortless, noncompetitive, slow and steady way.

The ideal time to practice is either early in the morning or in the cool evening. If you enjoy Yoga, try incorporating more twists into your routine as these are great for releasing any excess fire as well as cleansing the body and mind.

After every practice take a moment to observe how you’re feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank yourself for moving your body, honour your strengths and weaknesses. And for all my Pitta over-achievers and over-doers, remember, you are perfect as you are right now!

4. Summer self-care - loosening rigid rules and having more playtime is the ultimate summer self-care. Kick off your shoes, let the grass tickle your toes, dance, smile, laugh, be spontaneous and simply enjoy yourself. Remember, your skin needs extra protection from the drying rays of sun to keep it moist, supple and toned. To nourish your skin try self-massage with coconut oil.

When choosing your summer skin care products, focus on ingredients and essential oils such as rose water, coconut oil, mint, rosehip oil, peppermint EO, aloe vera, lavender and geranium.

Extra tip: consider using apricot or coconut oil to thicken and add glow to your lashes and eyebrows instead of mascara. You can also cool and beautify your eyes with fresh cucumber slices and spray your face throughout the day with rose water. Summer is abundant in sweet juicy fruits that can be also used as masks, tonics and scrubs.

5. Summer mindfulness - take a deep breath, relax and trust that you don’t need to control everything. Summer is the perfect time to play and remember what is really important in life. Is it accomplishments or relationships, achievement or love, ambition or deep connection? Summer is also a powerful time of transformation as the fire and light help us “burn away” any deep seated fears, obstacles or stagnant energy.

If you enjoy journaling, write down the things you are letting go off this season and set up some new and exciting intentions. Consider creating a summer sacred space (altar) at your home. It could be a windowsill, shelf or a small stool in a corner with bright flowers, candles, playful objects, symbols of sun, quotes or affirmations that will further support your transformation.

Try incorporating one or two of these tips into your daily routine and observe how it feels. Remember, these practices aren’t meant to add more things to your to do list. They’re here to support and keep you balanced so you can thrive and have even more fun this summer!


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