
Welcome babe!

Balance your hormones naturally and align your lifestyle with your cycle so you can enjoy regular periods without pain & PMS and feel amazing in your body.


matcha and home decor
obsessed, Pisces sun, yoga lover,
forever discovering myself.

Hi, I’m Veronika!
Your holistic health
coach & period BFF.

I’m here to help you harness the power of your hormones, re-connect with your body and align with your menstrual cycle so you can feel healthy, energized and glowing the way you deserve.

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3-Day Hormone Loving Reset

Your step-by-step guide to balancing your hormones with simple daily habits so you can say goodbye to PMS and all that period drama. Meal plans, grocery list, delicious recipes, worksheets and so much more.

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cycle syncing masterclass

Babe, you’re not crazy. You’re just a complex woman with natural ebbs and flows.

What if your menstrual cycle was your superpower, rather than a burden? Learn everything you need to know about aligning your lifestyle with your cycle in
a 90-min masterclass Find Your Flow.



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healthy lifestyle blog

Great place to start taking care of yourself

Now is more important than ever to prioritize your self-care and fill your cup so you can show up healthier & stronger. Grab your fav drink, get cozy and discover practices and plant based recipes to help you stay balanced as you navigate this crazy thing called life.


1:1 holistic health coaching

It’s time to take your health to the next level & get your hormones and cycle work for you

Do you constantly wake up tired, experience uncontrollable cravings and mood swings? Is low energy killing your productivity? Does PMS get the best of you every month? If you simply feel like your body is working against you, it’s time to change that!

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What others say:

“You have changed my life!”

Veronika, you’ve changed my life in many ways - food habits, daily planning and routine, my relationship to my body and my cycle. You helped me take control of my own body. I can now hear the voice of my body, understand what it needs and what I should prioritize. You were full of energy, kind and open during our coaching calls. Thank you!
— Laura P.


Discover all you need to know to get started

This 48-page guide will teach you all you need to know about your menstrual cycle in order to truly connect to yourself and live in harmony with your amazing body. Learn how to support and nourish your body during each of the 4 unique phases in an easy and practical way..

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 Let’s do this healthy thing

Apply for a FREE 15-minute discovery call

Have questions about my programs? Grab a coffee and let’s hop on a quick call to learn about the ways I can help you achieve your health & wellness goals.

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