Going Vegan Mindfully


My husband and I decided that we were gonna try it for a month and see how it goes. Here we are, almost 3 years later, knowing that it was one of the best decisions that we’ve ever made. We took the plunge after watching a number of vegan documentaries and reading countless studies only to be blown away by this whole new world we didn’t even know existed.

I had no idea that animal agriculture contributes to more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the transportation combined, that it takes 1800 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef, that we produce enough grain to feed the world but we feed most of it to animals so we can then eat their meat, the suffering the animals go through before they end up on our plates is unbearable, we don’t need animal protein to thrive and the list goes on.

I know the journey looks different for everyone and the intention of this post is not to convince you to go vegan. If you’re reading this, you are most likely already playing around with the idea to give this lifestyle a try but don’t know where to begin. I hear you and I have a few tips based on my own experience to help you with this life changing transition.

Tips to go vegan in a mindful way

1. Know your why - there are 3 main reasons why people go vegan - health, environment and animals. What prompted you to start thinking about this journey? Getting clear on your ‘why’ will help you stick with it in the moments of challenge, and they will arrive. Do your research, educate yourself on all the benefits of veganism and be prepared that people will question your decision. Once again, if you know your reasons well, it’s easier to not get discouraged by the doubtful looks of your family members and friends. Lead by example!

2. Focus on adding, not taking away - in the beginning it’s so easy to only consider the things that you won’t be able to eat. Flip your perspective and think of the abundance of different foods you will discover along the way. Get excited about all the new colourful and nourishing recipes you get to try out. Vegan cooking forces you to get more creative and think outside the box. How about you try to veganize your favourite meals that you’re already familiar with? Swapping meat for tofu or tempeh and heavy cream for a plant based alternative doesn’t take much.

3. Stock up your pantry - make sure you have enough to work with when trying out new recipes. Have all the essential ingredients on hand so once again you don’t fall into the “lacking” trap. Choose from a huge variety of fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grain bread and pasta, noodles, spices, nuts and nut butters, seeds, sprouts, tofu, tempeh, vegan chocolate and other snacks. Also remember that you don’t have to revamp your whole pantry overnight. Adding vegan foods will slowly and naturally crowd out the non-vegan ones.

4. Easy on the beans - beans are definitely a big staple in a vegan kitchen. However, if you’re not used to eating beans on a regular basis, start slow with a couple of tablespoons a day rather than a whole can during one meal. Yes, some bloating and gas will most likely occur in the first few weeks but will slowly go away as your body (mostly the digestive system) gets used to this new way of eating. Give yourself time and don’t get discouraged!

5. Abundance of fibre - plant based foods are loaded with fibre which is essential for a healthy gut. Fibre helps with a healthy bowel movement so don’t be surprised if you become a “regular” very quickly. Especially at the beginning, both myself and my husband, went through quite the purging phase to be honest. Your body will naturally begin to rid itself of toxic waste which can for some people be also reflected on their skin (through breakouts) as well as the frequency of your #2. Embrace the process!

6. Protein, nutrients, vitamins and minerals - I know you’re asking “How do I know if I’m getting enough nutrients”. We asked too, at the beginning. I get it, we’re all a bit skeptical when trying something new. I remember that for the first month we used an online nutrient tracking app. We quickly realized that our numbers were way above the minimum and it inspired us to keep on going. We definitely weren’t lacking any of the essential vitamins and we haven’t used any of the apps since. If you’re eating a variety of mostly whole foods then you’ll be thriving too.

7. Vegan junk food - yes, there is such a thing and yes, some of the vegan mock meats, deli, cheeses, burgers and pizzas can be tasty and useful in the transition phase. We tried it all but please keep in mind that any junk food whether it is vegan or not, is not a sustainable way of eating. That being said, we definitely enjoy some of these products and found brands we love, but plants and whole foods still create at least 80% of our diet.

8. Supplements - the vitamin you should be taking daily is B12. And I’m sure you ask “How is veganism healthy when I need to take a supplement?” B12 comes from soil but I don’t think I need to explain that soil isn’t the same quality and doesn’t have all the nutrients it used to many years ago. As for non-vegans, they get their B12 consuming meat from animals that are raised outside, eating grass, which of course isn’t always the case. Animals are in fact often supplemented themselves.

9. Don’t be hard on yourself - enjoy the process without beating yourself up if you fall off the wagon for a night, day or even a week. You can always get back on and maybe tweak a few things if you realized they weren’t working for you. Also be patient and give yourself enough time when shopping and cooking new ingredients. Initially, it will most likely take you a bit longer to prepare your lunch or dinner than you’re used to. Remember, this is a lifestyle change and you will continue to learn and discover new things along the way.

To finish off I have a confession to make - I still enjoy a proper butter croissant once in a while and I love every single bite without feeling guilty! Even if you choose to be vegan a few days a week, you are still making a huge difference to your health, our planet and the animals.


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